Do’s And Don’ts In MLM Sales

Do’s-And-Don’ts-In-MLM-SalesLearn how to make a sale in your MLM business the right way. Take note of the Do’s and Don’ts to know what to do and what to avoid.

A. Do’s

1) Identify your target market

Before you go out and sell your products, take time to know who your target market is. What kind of product or service are you selling? What kind of market does it cater to?

2) Offer what your customer needs – not what you want to sell them

So you’ve successfully identified your target market. Now the next step is to locate them and make your presence known. Wait; don’t pitch your sales just yet! You don’t want to scare them away.

What you need to do is feel the needs of your potential customers and introduce them to the solutions that you have. Identify the areas of improvement and offer suggestions on how to improve the situation.

3) Build a strong relationship

Get to know your customers not only professionally but also on a personal aspect. That way you’ll be able to build a strong and lasting relationship with them.

Earn their trust by becoming the person they can go to whenever they need guidance and coaching. Provide information and training that will help them prosper in their business.

4) Communicate with your customer

Follow up! But do so the way your customer prefers, not what you prefer. If they’re too busy with work and they have no time to meet you in person.

Call them over the phone or simply send an e-mail. Don’t insist on setting up a meeting. It will just piss them off. Remember, you’re always after customer’s convenience.

Now let’s proceed to the Don’ts:

B. Don’ts

1) Don’t pitch sales immediately

This is one of the common mistakes most network marketer commits. And the one you should avoid. If you try to make a sale before you build a relationship with your customer, it is most likely that you will be turned down. Learn by heart the do’s in selling before you make a move.

2) Don’t insist yourself on someone who is not interested

Don’t EVER waste your time on someone who doesn’t have the time and the mindset to listen to what you have to say. They are not your qualified leads. Leave them alone. There are many fishes in the ocean, as the saying goes. So look for the RIGHT “fishes” and let the WRONG ones go.

3) Don’t make promises that you can’t keep

Only commit to what you can provide. If you offer to solve your customer’s problems, make sure that you really have the solutions.

Or if you agree to do something for them, give them your word and perform the task. Giving out false promises will not only put a strain in your relationship with your customers, it will also damage your credibility.

So what are you waiting for? Click here now to learn more tips in MLM sales!