SEO Tips You Can Use For Your Website

SEO Tips You Can Use For Your Website1. Make your site about one thing

When it comes to choosing topics for your site, you have to make sure there is one primary topic.

It can’t be just a blog with random posts without no particular topic.

It can be about other stuff too but it’s important that you choose a niche. Of course you’ve chosen you have to make some keyword research to help optimize your site and generate enough traffic.

2. Make sure to mention your keywords in important places

Other that the body of your posts, make sure to include your keywords in the site title, domain name, description, tagline, keywords, blog categories and page titles.

If you’re on WordPress, you can change a lot of this in the General Settings or through a plugin like All in One SEO Pack.

Make sure that you’re getting the plugin.

3. Use a permalink structure that includes keywords

Some bloggers use permalink structures that use numbers to identify pages.

Don’t be like them. It’s not a good SEO practice.

Use a URL structure that includes text with your keywords in them.

4. Remove anything that slows down your website

When you have so many things installed into your site, it can slow down your site.

Imagine your visitors coming to your site to read your content but feel impatient that the page takes long to load.

Do you think they will visit your site again? Probably not. What you need to do is get rid of the plugins, widgets or just about any non-essential that makes your site load slow.

5. Use keywords in your images

Include words that reflect your site topic in the image title, description, and alt attributes.

Also, re-title the file name if it doesn’t reflect your main keywords (e.g. writing-tips.jpg instead of d1234.jpg).

6. Link to other websites with relevant content

You can do this by including a blogroll, link list, or resources page on your website.

Of course, do it sparingly, as each outbound link is a “vote” for another site. However, if you do it well and people click your links, this tells search engines you are a trusted authority on your particular topic.

7. Update your website frequently

If you want to improve the SEO of your site, you will need to update your website frequently.

Sites with dynamic content often rank higher than those with static content.

That’s why sites with blogs are doing so well on search engines. They’re always getting updated and getting published with fresh content.

Want to learn more valuable SEO tips? Then click here now!