Bad Blogging Habits That Need To Stop

Bad Habits prohibitedAs a blogger, you make mistake – we all do.

You probably even have a couple bad habits that you need to break.

You may not know it but bad habits can bring your blog down. As it is, your blog is already getting affected by them in a bad way.

If you’re not aware of what exactly are the bad blogging habits I’m talking about, I’ll give them to you one by one.

Inconsistent Blogging

This is a very common bad blogging habit for bloggers and internet marketers alike – frantically posting in the early days of the blog and then losing momentum later on.

It’s a bad habit and a wrong mindset to have. Avoid a “blog hiatus” and keep things new, fresh and consistent.

If you’re consistent in blogging, your readers will frequent your blogs and search engines will keep it indexed.

So keep your posting schedule consistent and stick to it.

Not replying to comments

When was the last time you responded to a comment to your post?

Just this recent post? A couple posts ago? Or worse – never?

Not replying to your comments is a bad habit you need to break. As a rule, you should never ignore commenters – especially ones who post relevant comments.

While you don’t have to reply to every comment, it’s important that you address the ones asking questions, expressing concerns, or simply looking for interaction.

Not proofreading your posts

Who wants to read a post full of typos, grammar mistakes and incoherent sentences? Not your readers, that’s for sure.

You lose credibility and professionalism when your post contains a lot of typos and grammatical errors.

Instead of publishing your posts as quickly as possible, take the time to proof read them first. After writing the last sentence, read your posts out loud and edit them along the way.

Otherwise, you’ll end up having grammatical typos-comments from your readers. Now that’s embarrassing.

Obsessing over your web traffic and comments

Are you one of those bloggers who check their stats and comments 100 times a day? Well, it’s time to break that habit.

Not only is obsessing over your web traffic and blog comments unhealthy, you’re also wasting a lot of time because of it instead of channeling your energy into other more productive activities.

If you can’t go a day without checking your stats, at least minimize it into twice a day. That way, it’s not turning into an obsession and you’ll have plenty of time to do other things.

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