Easy Ways To Get More Traffic For Your Blog

Have trouble getting traffic for your blog?

Well, worry not and look no further. I’m sharing to you some easy and simple ways to get your blog be filled with lots of traffic that you can easily convert into leads if you want.

Here they are:

1. Post frequently

How often do you post on your blog? If you’re only doing it on a weekly or thrice a month basis, you might want to think twice about your strategy. It’s best to let people know your blog is existing by posting frequently – say a couple times a week.

2. Optimize your existing posts

Comb through your old posts to make sure they have unique and relevant title tags, URLS and meta descriptions. You may not be able to optimize them in the past.

After all, it doesn’t hurt to check.

3. Guest post on relevant blogs

Who says you only need to publish content on your own blog? Of course not; you have to do some guest posting too.

Now, there’s not much point guest blogging on a site in an unrelated niche. So make sure that you’re only contributing to highly-relevant, high-quality sites in your niche.

4. Promote your blog posts to your e-mail list

You already have a list in place, as well as an ongoing e-mail alerts. Why not use e-mails as a way to promote your blog?

This doesn’t have to be the main focus of all your emails, but including a link or two back to your blog posts can considerably increase traffic, leads, and sales.

5. Include links to other relevant posts on your blog

When you write a post, always be sure to mention other posts your readers may find helpful. This is great for SEO as well as for increasing time-on-site, conversion rates, and referral traffic.

6. Start a Facebook group that drives traffic to your site

Facebook groups are there for so many reasons. And one of the important ones is that they can give you traffic and leads.

Start a niche-specific group where members can ask questions and get support, and when given the chance, point them back to your site’s content where relevant.

7. Build connections with others in your niche

This may sound cliché, but building personal relationships with other bloggers in your niche will often result in organic inbound links and referral traffic to your site.

So don’t hesitate to check out blogging communities that you deem you’ll fit within.

8. Connect with bloggers who are already sending you traffic

If someone has already linked to your site, they obviously like what you have to say. Contact them to see if there are other ways they could help promote your content and vice versa.

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