5 Effective Facebook Marketing Tactics To Use

Facebook marketing is not as easy nor as hard as you think. Using the right techniques, you’ll be off to a great start.

Still, let me help you with it.

Here are some tips you can use:

Send e-mail alerts

Letting people know that you are on Facebook is the first goal you should achieve. Sending an e-mail blast is just one of the best ways to do this.

Few of the great e-mail marketing tools are MailChimp and AWeber.

You might want to consider sending an e-mail blast between Monday and Wednesday mornings for most conversions.

Create and schedule your status updates

The average daily active user on Facebook is almost a billion. And a certain percentage from those millions of people could be your next potential customers.

If you want to use Facebook for maximum advantage, you need to post contents for your target audience with consistency. Your goals should be either to educate, to entertain, or to empower them.

There are also some Facebook posting statistics that you might want to consider when creating your status updates

Choose the best day to post

A good feature of the Facebook Pages is the Insights. By going to your Posts Insights, you will be able to see the average time when your fans are online.

In case you’re planning to schedule three posts, you might want to check the best hours that your fans are online and select those hours on scheduling your post.

Alternatively, tools like Hootsuite and Sprout Social will help you find the data and metrics you need including what type of post you should be using for your social media copies

Use Facebook Ads

You may hate it, but investing on Facebook ads will give your business a lift especially if you’re a start-up or a small business.

Facebook ads aren’t really expensive as you might think; you will love them once you tried to test them to get the best conversion that can impact your followers and your business growth. Consistent testing and experiments are necessary once you use them.

Facebook ads currently help you create your campaign depending on the results you want to gain.

Integrate social media sharing

Using social media plug-ins or integrating social media sharing buttons on your website makes it easy for your visitors and customers to share your website pages.

Once a person shared your content through Facebook and other social media sites, their friends can easily see those links on their Facebook profile and news feed.

You could also gain a share from them, which will make the process repeatable in a sense that it can also be shared by their friends of friends—possibly making it viral.

Want to learn more tips? Click here now!