1. Make a plan
When I say make a plan, I mean be as specific as possible. Let’s say you want to finally start with your blog.
Instead of putting “start a blog” into your to-do list, try being a little more specific. Write down what the blog is all about and then break down the tasks you need to do in order to make it happen.
When you get specific on what your target goals are, your attention is invested in accomplishing these small tasks. Keep that in mind.
2. Wake up early
If you make it a habit to wake up early, you’ll find that you’re more energized and feeling more productive than when you wake up late in the day.
It’s said often that the reason why the greats sustain their greatness is because they wake up early in the morning and get most of the important stuff done well before the world wakes up. You see, after all that sleep your brain got, it’s re-energized and ready to help you learn new things and change the world.
Thus, if you’re looking to learn how to increase focus, it’s important to wake up early, as that’s when our energy levels and creativity peak.
3. Exercise
You think exercising won’t factor into gaining more focus? Well, you’re wrong.
The thing is, when you exercise, your muscle contracts and releases a protein called IGF-1. This very protein travels to your brain and releases many chemicals, one of them being BDNF.
The BDNF stimulates further connections between neurons, and these connections form the basis for learning. Even though this takes some time, an immediate response to this change is increased concentration and focus.
4. Prioritize your tasks
This one goes without saying, as mentioned before: our brains can only focus on two complicated tasks at one time. Ever wondered why to-do lists simply don’t help you get stuff done? Because there isn’t any scheduling done. Why not try this approach: list everything you think you can achieve in one day and then number them.
Focus on 1 and 2 (the most important) in the morning and then worry about the rest later.
Let’s say you are working in the middle of the day and you get an email that distracts you. There are two approaches to tackling this. First, you could turn off all connections to the outside world. This means no checking email. Second, you can react less.
Those urgent urges to check your phone happen because your prefrontal cortex is tired later in the day and the limbic system is taking charge.
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