What Makes A Content Viral?

Everybody wants their content to be viral.

As a blogger, you want your blog posts to be seen by as many people as possible.

Of course, making your content viral is not an easy task.

Covering the bases that will help your chances of going viral can give you the success you need.

1. Envoke Strong Emotions

You may have noticed that viral content always evoke strong emotions from the readers – be it positive or negative.

Content and copy that left readers awe-inspired, excited, or amused are more likely to be shared than content that evoked low-key emotions.

Regardless of positive or negative, people don’t want to be sitting on the fence after engaging with your content. Your audience will share content that evokes a passionate emotional response.

When creating viral content, be sure to include stories, metaphors and adjectives.

2. Readability

How readable is your content? A content needs to be readable for it to be viral. Your content may have the most groundbreaking information, but it’s useless if it is not readable.

To test whether your content is readable or not, make sure that it appeals to the largest audience.

Run it through and check if it comprehensible enough for a high school student. Use common and familiar words rather than academic and complex, and watch the amount of words you use per sentence.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t attract much attention.

3. Visually Appealing

Is your content visually appealing?

Visuals are often overlooked when it comes to creating content, not only with images, but also with typography and layout.

People are more attracted to content with images than to one with no images at all.

Regarding the layout of your content, people struggle reading long paragraphs versus smaller pieces with more surrounding white space that are mentally less “cluttered.”

Remember: the more visually appealing the content is, the more likely it is to be shared.

4. Practical

Do you have clear calls to action? Useful, educational, and practical content is more likely to be shared.

This is why “how-to” listicles continue to do well, and infographics have become much more popular. Make your content practical; give your readers clear strategies they can immediately apply.

5. Trustworthy

People will share content with credibility. You can build trust within your content by quoting experts in your field, and citing statistics and sources. While personal stories are a great way to build a connection with people, backing stories up with additional sources gives credibility.

Quoting a prominent expert can also increase the chances of going viral if they share your work with their audience.

If you can, reach out to influencers with questions for inclusion in a piece of content, or links to their published work. Experts enjoy the exposure and often share content when they’re featured.

Want to learn more effective viral marketing tips? Then click here now!