Category Archives: MLM Personal Development

What Makes a Good MLM Leader?

“Edmund, what really makes a good MLM leader? Is it his skills? His mindset? How he leads his organization? Or all of the above?” Let’s see. 1. Leads by example A good leader is someone who practices what he preaches and knows how to walk the talk. If you want to become a good leader…

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The Network General

A network marketing leader is like an army general. Without proper training and right knowledge, leader’s “platoon” will be facing a losing battle. Presuming that you are an army general and you have a legion of 1,000 soldiers. You sent them out as front liners in a battlefield without any capable fighter, sergeant, lieutenant, and…

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How to Bring Out the Best in People

Learning how to bring out the best in people is a very important personal development training that you can give to yourself. No man is an island, so they say. This is also the reason why you can’t succeed in your MLM business without interacting with people. Let’s face it – MLM is a people…

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Success Tips on Personal Development for MLM

If you’ve been in the network marketing industry for a while now, you should know that personal development and MLM go hand in hand. There’s no way you can succeed in this booming industry without subjecting yourself to self-improvement and self-growth. I should know. I’ve been there. Trust me, it’s worth all your efforts. Personal…

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