Chicken Pox Epidemic 2012
I am a person who seldom get sick, if I really get sick, it gonna be a BIG one. That’s why my title is “Chicken Pox Epidemic 2012”. Sound BIG issue? Today is still Lunar New Year Season and I just got chicken pox 2 days ago and only today am able to get to…
CPV and PPC Marketing Advertising Campaign Failed!
Another disaster… After 2 weeks of trying out paid traffic. I have failed. Check out my stats below: Spend about $58.56 on LeadImpact on direct linking and $12.60 on MSN Bing to landing pages with lead capture campaign. Total Cost: $72.66 Total Revenue: $1.50. Profits/Loss: – $71.16 I shall pause the campaigns for now. Although…
2012 Resolutions
In year 2011 is the great year for me as I have trying new stuff on making money. Tried internet marketing and forex trading… In the end… Internet marketing made me the most money and proven to give me more freedom. So in year 2012, I will focus purely on Internet Marketing. The number one…
Lead Impact Ad Disapproved
Argh… After waiting for a day for my ad to be approved, I got this email. So disappointed… Got to work harder again!
CPA Marketing Business Finally Began!
After the Google Adwords suspension 4 days ago, I was so down… Feeling like the end of affiliate marketing? or the end of the world? So I’m finding ways to get back on track to find new ways to drive traffic. I have been consulting Ivan Ong, my buddy for this CPA Marketing business model.…
Google Adwords Suspended My Account Permanently
After trying out free traffic in Internet Marketing, I quite sick of slow result. I heard paid traffic is fast. I did a small test before, it works! I heard of Google Adwords is a very good paid traffic source. But I did not dare to get into as I heard many bad experience from…
Merry Christmas To You!
Hi Merry Christmas to you! This is my boo and my Christmas presents which we received this year. What’s yours? Hope you enjoy your Christmas. As most of you should be taking holiday leave this period of time, I hope that you are taking some time off to think about year 2012. Set your New…

Keep Procrastination From Happening With These Tips
You may think procrastination is not hurting your website and your online business, if any.
It actually is. So what you need to do is put an effort in keeping that from happening.
So how do you do that? Well, here are some tips you can do.