Category Archives: Productivity

Reasons Why Social Media Isn’t Working For You
While it’s easy to create presence in social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, it’s not easy to build visibility that sticks.
That’s why bloggers and internet marketers alike are making sure that they’re doing social media marketing right.
They use effective marketing tactics left and right just to make social media work for them.
Now if you’re one of those internet marketers who no matter how hard they try keep on failing in social media marketing, you may want to figure out why. Here are some possible reasons why social media isn’t working out for you.

7 Productivity Advice You Can Use
1. Set a schedule
You can’t honestly start working on your online empire without a schedule in place, can you?
Before you get on with your tasks, make sure you’re following a schedule.
This will ensure productivity and help you avoid distractions.

E-mail Marketing Do’s And Don’ts
1. Be your own subscriber
How are you suppose to make others follow you if you don’t know how to lead? Specifically, how can you expect others to sign up to your updates if you refuse to take the initiative.
But more than that, signing up for your updates will allow you to see your e-mail alerts from your subscriber’s perspective.
It will help you check for errors and identify which type of e-mail alerts works best.

Blog Layout Mistakes To Avoid
When it comes to improving your blog, you can’t just concentrate on the content alone.
Blog layout is also an important factor to consider.
You may not know this, but the design of your blog can either make or break your blog when it comes to converting a visitor into a loyal audience.
That’s how crucial it is.

Social Media Post Strategies You Can Use
When it comes to posting on your social media accounts, it pays to be creative.
Especially if you want to keep those followers and grow them by the numbers.
Which means you need to come up with ways to keep your posts creative so as not to bore your followers and have them click that dreaded “unfollow” button.
That said, here are some social media post strategies you can take advantage of.

Organizing Your Blog For 2015
Now that 2014 had gone, it’s best to welcome the new year by getting your blog organized.
Why is that, you ask?
This is because organizing your blog will help you create a continuing flow of fresh, relevant blog content in an effective manner.
What’s more, you need to ensure that both your previous blog posts and your future blog content will be seamlessly organized.
So how do you do that?

How To Boost Social Sharing For Your Blog Post
Use Social Sharing Buttons
Who doesn’t use social sharing buttons nowadays? Everybody does and it’s time you do the same.
Luckily for you, there are many social sharing plugins you can take advantage of.
This way your audience won’t have the hassle of copying the link of your post and pasting it to their browser.

Signs You’re Doing Blogging Wrong
Just because you have a blog and call yourself a blogger doesn’t mean you’re doing blogging right.
Especially if you’re just a newbie – you are bound to make mistakes.
So how do you know if you’re blogging it wrong?
Here are some examples you can watch out for.

How To Tackle Big Goals
You probably have big goals – well, who doesn’t?
But how do you tackle them exactly?
How are you planning to achieve them?
You don’t expect to deal with them head-on without a plan, do you?
No worries. Here are some tips to help you with that.

Ways to Stay Focused and Productive
It’s hard to stay focused, let alone productive, when you’d rather do other things of less importance.
Especially if you’re not in the mood to be productive.
Because that blog post can wait, right? And those tweets and Facebook posts that you need to schedule can be put off later, right?
While it’s tempting to just give in and do anything as you please, you need to exercise self-discipline and stay focused to get things done.